windows easter egg


Easter Eggs in Windows 7
26 May 2007 Added to queue Windows Easter eggs that microsoft could not Added to queue Lots of Windows XP Easter Eggsby gadget3000134372 views
Secret Windows XP Easter Egg – ASCII Star Wars | UK Gadget and
28 May 2008 11 Responses to “Secret Windows XP Easter Egg – ASCII Star Wars”. Gaj says: May 29, 2008 at 7:39 am. How geeky, just watched it for a bit
Computer Easter Eggs
Jump to Windows ‎: An Easter egg that displays the names of all the volcanoes in the United States is found on all Microsoft Windows Operating Systems in
Easter eggs in Microsoft products - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8 Nov 2005 Hey Guys ! have anyone of u found any easter eggs in Windows XP..Some websited still claims that WinXP contains easter eggs ..lets find out !
Easter Eggs in windows XP | KernelTrap
15 Mar 2006 How to find the "Control the Pinball with Your Mouse" Easter
Windows Vista Easter eggs
15 posts - 12 authors - Last post: 24 Mar 2007I tried all of these on my computer and they do work! is this a windows XP easter egg ? go to run type "telnet" ...
Windows Vista Easter Egg Discovered - Technabob
Windows 95/98 Tips & Tricks. Easter Eggs . Decades ago, Atari players noticed that by following one gray pixel, they will be brought to a special room with
MDGx WinDOwS Easter Eggs
This Easter Egg works with Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP. ..... WIN98 "MEMPHIS" EASTER EGG . The Windows 98 Easter Egg has been "unleashed" by The Captain.
Image of the Day: Hidden Windows easter egg in Firefly | Blastr
19 Jul 2010 Image of the Day: Hidden Windows easter egg in Firefly. Image of the Day: Hidden Windows easter egg in Firefly
Does Windows XP contain any Easter eggs ?
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 7 Mar 2009Can we get some easter eggs in Windows 7? They're so much fun and add an element of exploring features of an operating system.
Office XP Easter Eggs - Microsoft Windows Vista Egg
In every Windows Operating system that has ever been made there have always been some hidden secrets for you to find, Windows Vista is no exception and some
Windows Easter Eggs You Really Should Try | Windows Vista
29 Oct 2001 Anyway, the 0.log thing, whenever you click the zero button on the calculator in windows XP (another easter egg - calculator) it calls thats
Eastereggs Hidden Secrets in Software Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs found in 3D Pinball for Windows Software. Find hidden easter
Stupid Geek Tricks: Windows 7 Easter Egg Shows the XP Alt-Tab
27 Jan 2010 Easter Eggs (Definition) - A hidden message or feature in an application. This guide covers unknown features in Windows XP,
Windows 95/98 - Tips & Tricks: Easter Eggs
Discover the hidden secret easter eggs in your Microsoft Windows programs. Eastereggs Tips plus Tricks and Secrets and Software at Hsin Lin. immediate