hp 48gx easter egg


HP 40gs Easter Egg : HP Calculator : Educalc.net
Miscellaneous documentation files written about the HP 48 as part of the HP
Easter Eggs - comp.sys. hp48 | Computer Group
HP 40gs Easter Egg . RULES in the HOME screen you will see the list of all the people that were involved in the development of this machine. easter monday
R2 arrives! | TechRepublic
A special page for HP48 /49 beginners and intermediate users . HP49 Easter Egg · HP49 How to... 48 /49 Cross Entries
Fallout 3 cultural references - The Vault, the Fallout wiki
7 Nov 2008 This is a discussion on Easter Eggs - Hewlett Packard ; If I type RULES on my HP 48 or 49G+ I get a list of software engineers for these
50g : Message: Re: I found a HP 50G Easter Egg !
Please note that there is a similar device for the HP - 48 , called the ADCM-48 ..... The other names in the " Easter egg " above belong to: o BILL Wickes (list
HP 50G quickies: a quick reference guide. ยท Digital explorations
4 Feb 2011 Cracking Open the MV5100 HP Media Vault Be sure to check out the web for Easter Eggs . I believe I have found them all.
comp.sys. hp48 FAQ : 1 of 4 - Common Questions
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 5 Dec 2007My IT teacher has just told us that there are easter eggs in Microsoft Office programs, such as a flight simulator in word and a pinball
2010 Easter Egg Papercraft ( HP ) ~ Paperkraft.net - Free Papercraft
14 Jun 2000 HP 49 G Easter Egg - HP 49G Secrets. Easter eggs in the 49G
Final Fantasy III Hints, Cheats, Secrets, Easter Eggs , Glitchs for
Easter eggs in the 49G! Yes, there are many Easter eggs . One is carried over
Microsoft Office 2007 Easter Eggs - Computer Juice
15 Jul 1999 How to find the "Credits" Easter Egg in HP 48G or 48GX. 1. Type RULES at the prompt to get a crossword with all the developers names.
Area48 - HP Graphic calcs for beginners! - Main Page
Final Fantasy III Hints, Cheats, Secrets, Easter Eggs , Glitchs for Nintendo DS. When your HP is low just use potion and repeat these steps.
Easter Eggs - Unix Linux Forum - Fixunix.com
29 Jun 2010 The HP StorageWorks X310 has a hidden " Easter Egg " that allows you to change January 2009 (42), December 2008 ( 48 ), November 2008 (30)
HP X310 Easter Egg
23 Dec 2000 Yes, there are many Easter eggs . One is carried over from