windows exp easter eggs


Windows Easter Eggs You Really Should Try | Windows Vista
Find Windows XP Easter Eggs . Ok, there is a secret file in Windows XP called "quotes". In order to get there you must be somewhat familiar with how to
Secret Windows XP Easter Egg – ASCII Star Wars | UK Gadget and
13 Oct 2007 Windows Xp has hidden easter eggs or features in certain applications, games and operating system tools. Here are a few of them.
Office XP Easter Eggs - Microsoft Windows Vista Egg
Easter Eggs found in Windows XP Software. Find hidden easter eggs in movies, tv shows, software, music, books, and art.
Windows XP Easter Eggs
27 Jan 2010 XP Secrets Easter Eggs (Definition) - A hidden message or feature in an application. This guide covers unknown features in Windows XP ,
Windows XP Easter Eggs
14 Apr 2009 4 Windows XP Easter Eggs ! Subscribe for more! xtra tags (ignore): Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting.
Easter Eggs in windows XP | KernelTrap
22 Feb 2008 xp /best-of-march-2008/ Best of March 2008 | Windows Guides | [...] Windows Easter Eggs You Really
Windows XP easter eggs
8 Nov 2005 Hey Guys ! have anyone of u found any easter eggs in Windows XP ..Some websited still claims that WinXP contains easter eggs ..lets find out !
Windows Xp Hidden Easter Eggs (hidden Secrets)?
at · Tags: Easter Eggs , easter eggs excel 2007, easter eggs in windows xp , excel 2007 easter egg , excel 2007 easter eggs , Microsoft, News, Uncategorized,
XP Secrets
14 Dec 2007 There are a few easter eggs and hidden things in Windows XP . I've scoured the internet to document all of them into one large list,
Easter eggs in Microsoft products - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 Jun 2002 If the term easter egg is more loosely defined as "hidden surprise concealed in software", then I believe that Windows XP (Build 2600) does
YouTube - Windows XP Easter Eggs .
26 Nov 2006 If you're using Windows XP operating system, try this little hidden and secret trick which reveals sort of easter egg or bug by using
xp easter egg, windows xp easter eggs , xp easter eggs
Windows XP Easter Eggs Con Folder 1. In any windows or dos try to make a folder named 'con'. 2. You will be presented by an error that it already.
Does Windows XP contain any Easter eggs ?
23 Aug 2006 How to find the "Bush Hid the Facts" Easter Egg in Windows
Windows XP Easter Egg Hidden Secret Trick » My Digital Life
Jump to Windows ‎: An Easter egg that displays the names of all the volcanoes in the United States is Microsoft Windows Operating Systems in the "3Dtext" screensaver prior to XP . Windows 98 has a credits screen easter egg .
Windows XP Easter Eggs & Tricks :
Office XP Easter Eggs , do they still exist in Windows Vista.