computer programs easter eggs


Easter egg (media) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Jun 2010 In computers , the words “ Easter egg ” refer to a hidden message, an encrypted feature like a movie, a book, a computer program or a video
Microsoft Office 2007 Easter Eggs - Computer Juice
21 Feb 2011 Easter eggs , in software , are deliberately added and not not just Open My Computer and go to: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\etc,
Easter Eggs - Computerworld
9 Apr 2009 "Historically Easter eggs are just a chance for software programmers to really show off what they can do," said Tom Royal from Computer
The best software easter eggs of all time | Onsoftware
28 Sep 2009 Easter eggs are amusing features or displays in an application, left behind by the developers for users to find. They are sometimes as
Hidden DVD Easter Eggs - Home
Easter Eggs . Find hidden easter eggs in movies, tv shows, software , music Video Game Easter Eggs - Movie Easter Eggs - DVD Easter Eggs - - Cached - Similar Video Game Easter Eggs - Eeggs.comFind hidden easter eggs in movies, tv shows, software , music, books, and art
Top 10 Software Easter Eggs
Learn About Software Easter Eggs Online Computer Tips. Free Computer Help and more.
Software Easter Eggs - Computer Books Online
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 5 Dec 2007 told us that there are easter eggs in Microsoft Office programs , Nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be
Easter Eggs - High Tech Style -
A component of a computer program that is hidden from plain sight and usually is not executed. Typically, an Easter egg can be revealed by entering an
In terms of computer programs , what is an " easter egg "?
Easter eggs started in computer software as a little way of giving credit to the dozens and even hundreds of programmers who worked on an application.
Easter Egg - Computer Dictionary Definition
3 Apr 2007 On PC , you have to press Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K 4 times, that is, Great list of hilarious software " Easter eggs ", mainly in design Easter eggs ( Computer programs : Books Easter eggs ( Computer programs : Books.
Computer Easter Eggs
18 Sep 2000 Computerworld - Easter Eggs aren't unique to computer programs . They also occur in movies, music, art, books and other creations - but it's
Tech Ed: Easter Eggs abound in computer programs » Redding Record
The term " Easter Egg ", as we use it here, means any amusing tidbit that creators hid in their creations. They could be in computer software , movies, music,
Software Easter Eggs - PC Software Help Tips
Easter Eggs found in Software . Find hidden easter eggs in movies, tv shows, software , music, books, and art.
What is a Software Easter Egg ? (With Examples) | Software Guides
24 Mar 2010 As software bloggers, the only easter eggs the OnSoftware team give out every year are the ones hidden within computer programs .