word easter eggs


Office XP Easter Eggs - Microsoft Windows Vista Egg
What are the origins of Easter eggs and the Easter rabbit? it appears that " Easter" comes from the same root as the English word "east," the direction
RE: Word 97 Easter Egg (Take a look back at Microsoft Word Easter
4 Mar 2007 easter egg on microsoft word i accidently uploaded wrong file type =rand(1,2) and press enter see what happens.
Microsoft Word - easter eggs  - [ Translate this page ] 26. Juni 2006 Eastereggs sind Überraschungen, die Programmierer in Software verstecken. Letzte :, Microsoft Word - keine Eastereggs . www.eastereggs.svensoltmann.de/content/view/511/26/ - Cached - Similar Easter
16 Sep 2010 Easter Eggs is the name given to some funny "secret" animations and Hold down Ctrl + Shift and click the Word icon on the left side of
The True Origin of Easter
31 Oct 2000 How to find the " Word 2000 Visual Basic Credits" Easter Egg
Easter Celebrations - Origin of Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs . 24/7 ad. Word Viewer. Go to Help/About... Hold down Ctrl and Shift and click on the logo. Word 97 - Floating Word 97 Splash Screen
Fun at Work: Microsoft Word " Easter Egg " - How-To Geek
1 Jul 2010 Easter eggs in software are hidden messages, jokes, or amusements for which users can hunt. Many popular software packages are programed
Learn about the Easter Eggs in Microsoft Word
29 Aug 2010 Microsoft’s developers hid multiple Easter Eggs in Word 95/97/2000.
Computer Easter Eggs
need to add the flight sim that was hidden in excel. That was awesome. I remember flying around and finding the gold scrolling plaque with the dev. na.
Microsoft Word - Easter Eggs Wiki
16 Mar 2010 Apparently some racists thought it would be a good idea to have a racist Easter egg hunt. In Michigan, Easter Eggs were found on lawns of
Easter Eggs page
Jump to Microsoft Word ‎: Microsoft has officially described this as a feature and not an Easter egg . In Microsoft Word 2007, the repeated sentence is Microsoft Bear - Microsoft Bunny - Microsoft Office - Office 2004 Macen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_eggs_in_Microsoft_products - Cached - Similar Easter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRelatively newer elements such as the Easter Bunny and Easter egg hunts have
What is easter egg ? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia
27 Oct 2009 As far as I know, the versions 2003 and up do not have easter eggs because Uncle Sam bought a whole bunch of copies and he doesn't want
Racist N- Word Easter Eggs Found On Michigan Lawn | News One
March 27, 2005 Urban Word of the Day. buy easter egg mugs, tshirts and magnets. A hidden item placed in a movie, television show, or otherwise visual media
YouTube - Word Easter Egg
Easter Eggs found in Word (Microsoft) Software. Find hidden easter eggs in movies, tv shows, software, music, books, and art.
Take a look back at Microsoft Word Easter Eggs | TechRepublic
4 Sep 2007 This isn't exactly an easter egg , because it's actually documented in Microsoft's knowledge base, but it's one of those features that you
ActiveWindows -- Easter Eggs -- Microsoft Word
1 Jun 2004 How to find the "Typing Exercise" Easter Egg in Word