vice city easter egg


GTA Vice City Stories Hints, Cheats, Secrets, Easter Eggs , Glitchs
The following is a list of secrets, easter eggs , and hidden trivia references in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City .
GTA Vice City easter egg - Secret Caddy - Desi Video Network
GTA: Vice City Easter Eggs You will be in a small room with a podium and
CCG: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Cheats, Codes, & Cheat Codes
24 Jan 2011 Possible Grand Theft Auto V information about the easter eggs . Why would they put GTA SA on the dollars and the greetings from Vice .
GTA: Vice City Easter Egg - iGrandTheftAuto
13 May 2003 Hint: " Easter Egg " Easter Egg . Head to the 8-10 VCN Building
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (2006) (VG) - Trivia
22 May 2009 Easter Egg - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PlayStation 2, PC, XBox There is an Easter egg (literally) hidden somewhere in Vice City .
Easter Eggs in GTA Vice City - GTA Wiki
26 Dec 2007 Main Page > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City > Easter eggs . GTA San Andreas contains a large amount of Easter eggs. This page contains a list of
Easter Egg - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PlayStation 2, PC, XBox
31 Jul 2010 A real virtual Easter Egg . Aim for the Helipad on top of the Vice City -News Station (on the second Island). Sometimes there is the VCN
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2 Easter Eggs , GTA: Vice City PS2
12 Oct 2005 How to find the "Claude Speed cameo" Easter Egg in Grand
GTA: Vice City 2 Easter Egg (GTA IV) | Game Iterator
15 May 2003 How to find the "The " Easter Egg " Easter Egg " Easter Egg in
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2 Cheats
Contents 1 Chariot Hotel Penis 2 The Actual Easter Egg 3 Moon Enlargement 4 Garbage Bag Enlargement 5 Ronald Reagan & Mikhail Gorbachev 6 Submarine 7
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Cheats, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
VCN Building Easter Egg - Hidden in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) was a literal easter egg - a chocolate easter egg that said "Happy Easter" on it.