Facebook Easter Egg causes a flap | Naked Security
12 Apr 2009 Besides a chocolate delicacy, an " Easter Egg " can also be an intentional hidden message, inside joke or secret feature in a movie, CD, DVD,
Easter Eggs In Facebook Photos
31 Mar 2009 Facebook is well known for their hidden Easter eggs around the site. For those of you not aware of what I mean by Easter eggs ,
Facebook's Easter Egg Contra and Apps That Show Profit | Rev2.org
19 Nov 2009 My mate Ben told me a story the other day which he thought I would find amusing. He's a Facebook addict, and has been regularly cajoled for
Facebook features - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8 May 2009 And with this wasted time, we've stumbled onto a few interesting Easter Eggs on Facebook . Most are pointless, but like a jack-knife wielding
Facebook Easter Eggs ? - Yahoo! Answers
25 posts - 10 authors - Last post: 8 Apr 2008I know everyone doesn't yet have access to Facebook chat, but I found a few Easter eggs that you might all be interested in.
YesButNoButYes: Facebook Easter Eggs
29 Jun 2010 Facebook Chat Emoticon Easter Eggs : Pacman: :v Robot: :|] Weird guy's face: : putnam: Shark emoticon: (^^^) Penguin emoticon:
Finding Facebook Easter Eggs - Web Watch - butterscotch
9 May 2009 Does anyone know of some cool Facebook EasterEggs ? It's called the Konami Code lol. There are many FB Easter Eggs In FB chat, type :putnam:
Facebook Easter Eggs ?
10 Sep 2007 It's not just Google that plants little surprises in its apps: Facebook does it too. Mashable reader Matt Rogers spotted some hidden text at
The Facebook Questions Easter Egg | Sean Percival's Blog
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Face book Easter Eggs And Glitches. Join Facebook to start connecting with Face book Easter Eggs And Glitches.
Facebook Easter eggs
Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Easter egg , a collection of shared knowledge concerning Easter egg .
How to do Facebook Tricks and Easter Eggs (Including Magic Circles
Jump to Easter eggs : The following are easter eggs that Facebook had at one time or another. At one time, entering the Konami Code followed by Enter at
Konami Code triggers Easter egg on Facebook too | The Web Services
20 Oct 2007 Amit Agarwal points out a little Facebook easter egg : a “Grid View” for your friends. Simply go to your Friends page, and choose the
Facebook Platform Developer Forum / Easter Eggs in Facebook Chat
8 May 2009 Log into Facebook and use the Konami code: up up down down left right left right b a (enter). How wherever your mouse is on the screen will
Facebook Questions Easter Egg Rick Rolls Users
15 May 2009 Many of us use Facebook every day, not aware that beneath the placid surface lurks a sea of hilarity. Well, perhaps not hilarity but there
Facebook Chat Emoticon Easter Eggs | Shabooty.com
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 8 May 2009First ESPN, now Facebook ...Konami Code Easter eggs are spreading like wildfire throughout popular Web sites. Read this blog post by Harrison