Reflection on the readings for the first Sunday in Lent Year B
27 Feb 2009 Reflection on the readings for the first Sunday in Lent Year B The reading from 1 Peter reminds us of God's will to 'save' and of God's
Break Open the Word: The Second Sunday of Easter , 11 April 2010
First Sunday after Christmas Day. (use these readings unless the readings for the Epiphany .... (May also be used on the 7th Sunday of Easter ), Acts 1:1-11
Fourth Sunday of Easter - First Reading : Acts 13:14, 43-52
Sunday 19 April, 2009. Parish Eucharist 10.00am. The Second Sunday of Easter First Reading : Acts 4.32-35. Psalm 133. Gospel: John 20.19-31
Liturgical Calendar | Season of Easter
Amen A READING FROM JOHN 20:19-31 (NIV) On the evening of that first day of the week, just what the disciples were like after the first Easter Sunday .
Year C
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View 1st Reading - Acts 5:12-16. During the Easter season the Catholic and Lutheran lectionaries .... The first Easter Sunday , the day Jesus rose from the dead.
Revised Common Lectionary for 2009 - Year B
In the Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox and certain Eastern Catholic churches, the first Sunday after Pascha ( Easter ) is known as Thomas Sunday , after the
Catholic Gospel Coloring and Word Activities for Sunday Gospel and
This Sunday is another opportunity for us to consider the consequences of the Resurrection – how we live the Easter Story. Notes for Readers. First Reading
Homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter , Year C « CACINA
Reading 1. Responsorial Psalm Reading 2. Gospel. April 11, 2010. Second Sunday of Easter . Reading 1 I am the first and the last, the one who lives.
Easter - CyberFaith
7th Sunday of Easter – Year C (May 16th) – Reflection by Fr Nick King SJ Next Sunday's readings give us a few suggestions. The first reading tells us
USCCB | NAB - April 11, 2010
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewFifth Sunday of Easter . Reading 1. Acts 14:21-27 .... No wonder the first Christian communities formed by the earthly Jesus carried on the
Sermon (2) and Liturgy for The Second Sunday of Easter - Year A
10 Sep 2010 New Testament Reading (A B C) Romans 6:3-11. Gospel Luke 24:1-12. Resurrection Sunday Easter . First Reading Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 65:17-25
Easter 4C - Salford Office for Liturgy
2 Jan 2009 During the Easter Season, the First Reading is always from the Acts of the .... to the 7th Sunday of Easter , as now done in much of the USA,
Year C: Lent, Easter to Pentecost - Revised Common Lectionary Readings
11 Apr 2010 We enter into a “week of Sundays ” as the Easter feast continues. Of special note in the lectionary is the first reading (normally from the
Readings from John's Gospel in the Sunday Lectionary
First reading , witnesses to the ends of the earth: Church growing through trials . Seventh Sunday of Easter . Waiting in Prayer for the Outpouring of the Holy
First reading , witnesses to the ends of the earth: Church growing through