: Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian
12 Apr 2009 Hitchins insisted the term Christian America is meaningless. After the Easter service, I complimented Ken Rieman on a brilliantly - What percentage of people are Protestant
15 Dec 2001 Significant numbers of American adults began to disaffiliate themselves By 2008, the percentage of Christians had reached 76% and is
Religious identification in the U.S.
A 2008 study showed that in the year 2000 about 9 percent of Americans
Food Timeline-- Easter foods: history & symbolism
Percentage of Christians Worldwide: 33% of the world's population is considered to be Christian . Today in America , about 75% of adults identify themselves as Christian . Must Reads. Basic Christian Beliefs · When is Easter 2011?
SchansBlog: the end of Christian America (??)
4 Apr 2009 The End of Christian America . The percentage of self-identified ..... Back in Louisville, preparing for Easter , Al Mohler keeps vigil over
Christianity Today - General Statistics and Facts of Christianity
9 Mar 2009 The percentage of people who call themselves in some way Christian has in the Apostolate, the research arm of the Catholic Church in America . split- shift services for Easter to accommodate about 2500 families.
Meacham: The End of Christian America - Newsweek
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: 14 Apr 2009In 1948, the percentage of Christians was 91 percent. Another poll, the American Religious Identification Survey, found that 15 percent of
79% Believe Jesus Christ Rose from the Dead - Rasmussen Reports™
18 Jun 2009 Being less Christian is not equal to America being post- Christian . Meacham has demonstrated the percentage of Christians in his presentation
Hot Topic: Is U.S. A " Christian Nation?" - Political Hotsheet
That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non- Christian religions group within the ranks of American Protestants is unaffiliated: Nineteen percent of By contrast only 5 percent of blacks, and 11 percent of non- Christians ,
This Easter , Smaller Percentage of Americans Are Christian
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America , 1998, 220, 65, 263 .... Percentage of state populations that identify with a religion rather
Newsweek Editor Welcomes Easter with the 'End of Christian America
8 Apr 2009 the end of Christian America (??) The title of the pre- Easter cover story of Let's be clear: while the percentage of Christians may be
Not So Christian America
10 Apr 2009 This Easter , Smaller Percentage of Americans Are Christian ; now at 13% of .. . averages of Gallup's religious identity data in America .
Christianity is dwindling in Australia and America - Christian
10 Apr 2009 Christian America comprises those who in response to a basic Yet, the percentage of Americans who in theory could celebrate Easter this
Christian America shrinking and expanding at the same time | David
24 Dec 2009 The major reason for this is an increase in the percentage
Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds
Christianity is the predominant religion in Europe, Russia, the Americas ,