Excel Spreadsheet Easter Egg Freeware - Easter Artwork, Animated
20 Jan 2009 Google's new browser, Chrome, also includes an Easter egg - but only if you're using Windows XP. It's triggered by typing an 'about' request
Easter Egg Hunt: Hidden Treasures in Your Design Software
3 Apr 2007 Another great Easter egg is the yak in Final Cut Pro. .... Create a new spreadsheet in OpenOffice/NeoOffice and enter this formula in any .... In Windows XP, open notepad write "Bush hid the facts" (without the qoutes),
Open Office Easter Egg : Play Space Invaders in Calc - Mysticgeek's
Jump to AppleWorks (Macintosh/ Windows ): AppleWorks 6.2.9 'Starting Points' window . and spreadsheet files could
Doodle God Walkthrough Guide, Review, Discussion, Hints and Tips
6 Apr 2009 At the top of the Easter egg list for sheer mean-spiritedness, we have to corner the market on Windows -based spreadsheets back in 1992.
Easter Eggs
21 Aug 2005 1. create a new sheetin openoffice.org Calc ( spreadsheet ) 2
Excel Easter Eggs – undocumented code in your spreadsheet program
Open Office Easter egg – Star wars game. Create a new spreadsheet in the .... the notepad one doesn't work in windows 7 anymore but I remember it did in
Virtual Ester Eggs For Your Fav Software And Web Apps | HighTech EDGE
22 Feb 2008 Windows Easter Eggs You Really Should Try A lot of programmers will put what is called an Easter Egg in their software.
Easter Eggs in windows XP | KernelTrap
A window should come up that you can move around in. 8. Use the arrow keys for left, Here is the Excel97 Easter Egg . 1. Open a New Excel spreadsheet
OpenOffice.org: Play TicTacToe ( Easter Egg ) | OpenOffice | Tech
Excel 97 Easter Egg - Turn Your Spreadsheet Into a Space Sim. 1:36. Lots of Windows XP Easter Eggs . Lots of Windows XP Easter Eggs
The Spreadsheet Page - Excel Oddities: Excel Easter Eggs
An easter egg , as it relates to software, refers to a way of displaying a list of You'll be greeted with a new non-Excel window (fans of Doom will feel
Having Fun With Spreadsheets - Easter Eggs in Excel
8 Oct 2008 Excel 97 Easter Egg - Turn Your Spreadsheet Into a Space Sim .... Added to queue Win XP Easter Egg - Notepadby ufo25874926 views · Thumbnail
Can You Find it? 7 Easter Eggs on Linux / UNIX related software
20 Jun 2009 Having Fun With Spreadsheets - Easter Eggs in Excel An Explanation of how ReadyBoost Improves Performance in Windows Vista
Windows Calculator Pi (π) Easter Egg | ajb{log}
21 Feb 2000 This Easter Egg Even Works On Windows XP With Office 2000! Anyway, when you open the HTML version your spreadsheet wont will the entire
crash/reboot: Easter Eggs we have loved: Excel 4
20 posts - 20 authors - Last post: 25 Jan 2010Excel Spreadsheet Easter Egg Freeware - Free Software Listing. Platforms: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP
28 Jan 2009 This might be very old but I just accidentally found this easter egg on my Windows computer… Copy this word in quotes “pi” and paste it