easter egg tivo


TiVo 30 Second Easter Egg - Jinxworld Forums
16 Jun 2005 How to find the " Tivo Eggs" Easter Egg in Tivo Eggs. To see a TiVo Easter egg , follow these steps: Enable closed-captioning display on your
Make: Online » Tivo's 30-second commercial skip easter egg
Easter Eggs found in Tivo Eggs TV Show. Find hidden easter eggs in movies
Geek Tip: The TiVo Clock Easter Egg
1 Dec 2007 Boytech and Girltech in Simpsons TiVo Easter Egg . I'm amazed that I find no references anywhere on the web to this one.
Easter Egg - Welcome to iwantptv.com - Your Guide to Personal
TiVo Easter Egg - TiVo Clock Display Easter Egg To display a clock in the bottom right corner of your screen, press the following buttons on your TiVo
Secret TiVo Tips and Tweaks - PCWorld
21 Dec 2004 Here are a few Tivo "Backdoors" or " Easter - eggs " that have been found. Some are pretty useful, and some are kinda funny.. Check em out.
Tivo Tricks And Easter Eggs - DTV Forum Australia - Australia's
3 Oct 2008 Easter eggs are rad little treats for geeks; others may ask what the point is, but you know: They're just cool. This Easter egg is for TiVo
Tivo Easter Egg Search results - WebAnswers.com
View the search results for your WebAnswers.com search on tivo easter egg .
TiVopedia - TiVo Remote Tips, Tricks, and Easter Eggs
As it turns out, a 30 second skip is buried within the programming of the TiVo device and can be brought to the surface using an Easter Egg . After enabling
Easter Egg Tivo
Works with my Hughes SD40 Direct TV remote and should work for most TIVOs Select Play select 3 0 Select That will turn your Jump to Live button into a 30
Manage TiVo Content From Your HP MediaSmart Server
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 5 Apr 2005 TiVo 30 Second Easter Egg Brian Michael Bendis. BriRedfern's Avatar. Join Date: Mar 2005. Posts: 15391. Re: TiVo 30 Second Easter Egg
Lincoln Madison: Boytech and Girltech in Simpsons TiVo Easter Egg
9 Mar 2010 Thanks to “Fred” and “Jerry is a Genius” for pointing out a hidden Easter Egg in the new Tivo Expander Add-In. A “Team Info” tab is
Best Tivo Trick / Easter Egg | Mofomon's Blog
Easter Egg : "So to brighten up your new year, I'm going to give you the keys to one of TiVo's best Easter Eggs . Turn on Closed Captioning on your TV.