easter dates 2008 australia


Public holiday dates for 2008 -2013 - Department of Justice and
In 2011, Easter Monday and ANZAC Day are on the same day. Public and show holidays · Queensland Public holidays 2008 -2013 Western Australian term dates The State Government has made an adjustment to the dates for terms one and
Easter , Pentecoste, Corpus Domini, Solstice, Equinox Dates 2008 - 2012
Australia's national day is held on 26th January in recognition of the arrival Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and in Christianity commemorates the For information about the dates of individual state and territory school
Australian School Holidays Public holidays dates
In the year 2038, Anzac Day will coincide with Easter Sunday. ..... Retrieved 20 February 2008 . ^ " Australia Day History". Australia Day Council of New
School holiday dates & Public Holidays - all states of Australia
This information (and TAFE teaching and vacation dates ) can be faxed to you by phoning 1300 301 146 Substituted public holiday for Easter Monday. Terms for all Australian states and territories: ( Australian Government)
School Holidays, Public Holidays, School Term Dates for NSW, QLD
School Holidays & Public Holidays in Australia for 2008 . Select your state to view school Easter , Fri-21-Mar-08, Mon-24-Mar-08, 3, Public Holiday
Inglis Announce New Timing and Format for 2008 - Inglis
archived semester dates . Principal University dates · Australian public holidays .... Easter Recess. Friday 21 March to Tuesday 25 March 2008
Semester and Vacation Dates 2009 - 2015
11 Oct 2007 It is widely agreed by industry participants that an 11-day gap between the revised dates for Magic Millions and the Australian Easter
Greek Easter - Greek Orthodox Easter Dates , 2011, 2012, 2013 and
18 Feb 2011 When is Easter 2008 celebrated in Australia ? What dates are easter holidays in . The dates for the Christmas, Easter and mid-term breaks are
EASTER DATES 2010, 2011 to 2020 - Christian Catholic Gregorian and
the week beginning with Easter Monday;; week 19; and; week 31. Information from the Universities Australia website see Vacation Dates .
Public Holidays - australia .gov.au
Includes a table of dates for the school holidays in each state and the major Australia Day, Monday, 28 January. Good Friday, Friday, 21 March. Easter
Australian Public Holidays
9 Jul 2008 THE Australian Jockey Club has retained its historic Easter Saturday race date for next autumn, with a three-week carnival at Randwick
Dates for Public Holidays in South Australia - SafeWork SA
When is Easter in 2008 for Orthodox Religion? When is Easter 2008 celebrated in Australia ? What dates are easter holidays in 2008 ? What is date of easter
2008 Easter Dates
Public holidays in Western Australia . Includes link to regional dates for Daylight saving and public holiday dates in the Australian Capital Territory.
School and Public Holiday Dates - Sydney Accommodation
Public holiday dates for 2008 -2013. A table of Queensland public holiday dates approved Australia Day, Monday, 28 January, Monday, 26 January, Tuesday, In recognition of Easter Monday and Anzac Day occurring on the same day in
AJC to lock in Easter carnival dates - Horseracing - Sport - smh
Australia 2008 – Calendar with holidays. Yearly calendar showing months for the year 2008 Some holidays and dates are color-coded: Red–Federal Holidays.