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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLThe students also met Hoylake Cottage Hospital's Chief Fundraiser, Helen .... Teachers from schools across the Wirral recently participated in the first ever 'Essentially Dance' ..... Easter Holiday . Monday 3 May. May Day. Tuesday 4 May. GCSE MFL Term Dates for the Academic Year 2010/11. Friday 3 September
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View7 Jan 2009 Woodchurch Estate, situated in the centre of the Wirral Peninsula is the In recent years and to date , following an .... Sainsbury, ASDA, the Zero Centre ( domestic violence), Reachout (jobs and mediation), Wirral Met ..... 81 Treatments carried out in April 2008 ( Easter Holidays – lost 2 days)
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