easter holidays queensland australia


Public holidays in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public Holidays 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Australia Day Good Friday Easter Monday Anzac Day Christmas Day Boxing Day, Monday Wednesday Northern Territory, Queensland . May Day Queens Birthday Darwin Show Picnic Day, Monday
Whats On in Brisbane in April - Event calendar for April in
In 2011, Easter Monday and ANZAC Day are on the same day. Education Queensland calendar includes school calendars, school holiday / vacation dates,
Brisbane, Queensland Australia .
When are the school holidays in Queensland ? Queensland term dates and school Public Holidays & Special Occasions in Australia Calendar 2011•2012•2013
Australian Public Holidays in Queensland QLD
22 April – 25 April (NT Easter Break) 22 April – 1 May (TAS). Winter Holidays 2011 4 June – 19 June (TAS) 25 June – 11 July ( QLD ) 25 June – 25 July (NT)
Australia , national and holiday dates, school terms - Aussie-Info.com
Queensland Public Holidays . Substituted public holiday for Easter Monday. ** Brisbane area only Australia's new dot com boom – and why it's different · 10 lessons from the collapse of Borders and Angus & Robertson
Queensland Public Holidays in 2011, QLD 2011 Public Holiday
Substituted public holiday for Easter Monday. ## Transferred public holiday for Christmas Day. Holidays for Queensland sourced from the Queensland
Public Holidays
National Public Holidays . Australia Day - 26th January Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and in Christianity commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus
Easter in Australia - Australia's Culture Portal
File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatSchool holidays . Final dates for student attendance. CD. Christmas Day. BD
Queensland Anzac Day Easter Public Holidays 2011
Australian National Flag to fly at half-mast. May 2011. Labour Day ( QLD
Queensland , Australia Public Holidays
14 Sep 2010 In Western Australia and the ACT, a special holiday was declared for Tuesday, April 26, however neither Easter Monday or Anzac Day have been
QLD Public Holidays
Brisbane, Queensland Australia , hotel, climate, rainfall, Hotel, Map. Easter Holiday 7th April To 11th April. Winter Holiday 30th June To 11th July.
Public and School Holidays Australia 2010 / 2011 | Car Hire Insider
Easter Monday, Tues 26 Apr. Anzac Day, Mon 25 Apr. May Day (NT), Labour Day ( QLD ), Mon 2 May States in Australia have different school holiday periods.
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Easter Sunday - Sunday, Apr 24. Easter Monday - Monday, Apr 25. Anzac Day - Monday, April 25 (Anzac Day public holiday will be observed on Mon 25 in NT, QLD
School holiday dates & Public Holidays - all states of Australia
Queensland 2011. Mon, 03 Jan 2011: New Year's Day; Wed, 26 Jan 2011: Australia Day Sat, 23 Apr 2011: Easter Saturday; Mon, 25 Apr 2011: Easter Monday The quickest way to find public holidays in Australia , whether it be Anzac Day
2008 School Holidays & Public Holidays - Australian
AUSTRALIAN DATES AND TIME. Public Holidays in Queensland . Dates of public holidays change Mon, 25 Apr, Easter Monday, Tues, 27 Dec, Boxing Day Holiday