Christmas and easter cactus . - Cacti & Succulents Forum - GardenWeb
17 Jan 2010 The flowers of the Easter cactus are rounder, and more like a daisy than a tube. There are several shades of red, pink and mauve. Growing
How to Care for an Easter Cactus |
36 posts - 9 authors - Last post: 1 Nov 2008I have an easter rose cactus that got burned from being outside in the sun one day. It has continued to grow and bloom, however,
Holiday Cacti
The Easter cactus and its relatives, the other holiday cacti, are known as jungle cacti. This means they were originally growing in the trees of the jungles
Christmas and Easter Cacti - Detroit Gardening |
Share this page "How To Grow Rhipsalidopsis or Easter Cactus" with a friend ..... Once you grow Easter Cactus plants for a short while, you will realize how
Easter cactus info, pictures and care instructions Zygocactus
In 1982, a marvellous, strong- growing and very first yellow-flowered type, The Easter Cactus is Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri . In some respects it is
Questions On Christmas Cactus
28 Apr 2006 Changes being proposed to plant quarantine rules are afoot to allow shipment of Easter cactus growing in soil to be imported directly,
Easter cacti Rhipsalidopsis Hatiora history page 1
University of California Extension: Holiday Cacti; Iowa State University
Beginner Houseplants: Easter Cactus Cuttings
The Easter cactus and the other relatives are known as jungle cacti. This is because; originally they were growing in the trees of the jungles.
Easter Cactus Facts
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewCacti. RG 308 Revised November 2008. Holiday cacti grow and flower best when the The Easter cactus , Rhipsalidopsis gaertnerii, sets
Christmas and Easter Cactus plants
Like the more familiar Christmas cactus, the Easter cactus is a flowering jungle cactus. How to Trim an Easter Cactus · How to Grow an Easter Cactus
The Spring-Blooming Easter Cactus - Cacti and Succulents
9 Jan 2008 I loved the Christmas and Easter Cactus's when I lived up north, they were very easy to grow and steady bloomers.
How to Grow Easter Cactus Indoors. The Easter cactus has long lasting blooms that thrive in cool weather and is especially adaptable to being a houseplant.
How To Grow Easter Cactus
How to Grow Easter Cactus Indoors. The Easter cactus has long lasting blooms
Easter Cactus - Plant of the Week
7 May 2010 How to Grow an Easter Cactus . The Easter cactus blooms once a