Easter on the Net - When is Easter ?
Holiday Calendar for 2010 , 2011 and 2012. Calendars list U.S. national Federal Easter Sunday -- March or April , Apr 12, Apr 4, Apr 24, Apr 8, Mar 31
Bank holidays and British Summer Time : Directgov - Government
Easter Monday. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday. 22 April 2011 23 April 2011 24 April 2011 Easter Monday. Friday 22 April 2011. Saturday 23 April 2011
When is Easter for 2010 , 2011, 2012 and 2013? | ChaCha Answers
Answer: Good Friday falls on April 2, 2010 . For the date of Good Friday in
Year 2011 Calendar – Australia
17:36 04/06/2010 . When will Easter Fall on my birthday April 6th again? I am 30 years old right now and it hasn't landed on it since I was born.
Easter 2011 | Easter Calendar and Easter Festivals 2011| Public
A list of 2010 bank public holidays in England and a 2010 calendar chart Good Friday, April 2. Easter Monday, April 5. Early May Bank Holiday, May 3
Easter Dates 2010
The date of Easter therefore varies between March 22 and April 25. ..... 2010 , April 4. 2011, April 24. 2012, April 8, April 15. 2013, March 31, May 5
Easter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
9 Aug 2010 Teachers' Training day - Monday 16 August 2010 and Tuesday 17 August 2010 Easter Holiday – Monday 2 April to Monday 16 April 2012 (Good
When is Easter 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2010 ?
This Easter 2010 calendar includes the dates for Easter 2010 in Western April 4 - Easter Sunday (Orthodox Christianity - Eastern Orthodox Churches)
School Term and Holiday Dates 2010 – 2015
Sunday 4th April 2010 . The 2010 Easter Date applies to the western calendar ( Catholic and Protestant Churches), and also to the The Eastern Orthodox church.
42 When is Easter ?
England and Wales, 2010 , 2011, 2012. New Year's Day, 1 January, 3 January*, 2 January*. Good Friday, 2 April , 22 April , 6 April . Easter Monday, 5 April
Holiday Calendar 2010 2011 2012
Year, Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunday (Western). 2009, February 25, April 12. 2010 , February 17, April 4. 2011, March 9, April 24. 2012, February 22, April 8
2010 Public Holidays. 2010 Bank Holidays. 2010 Calendar. Dates
A simple procedure to determine Easter Sunday dates for all years 326 to 4099 A.D.. April 2010 25th March 2035 18th April 2060 15th April 2085 24th April ..... The example for year 1995 gives the Julian Easter Sunday date of April
NZ Public Holiday Dates 2010 -2013 : Employment Relations Service
Good Friday Easter Saturday Easter Sunday Easter Monday, Friday 22 April 2011. Saturday 23 April 2011. Sunday 24 April 2011. Monday 25 April 2011
Easter 2011 Calendar - Easter Dates to Book Your Holidays - Tips
22 the earliest possible date for Easter and April 25 the latest. The intent of these rules is that the date will Last modified Thu Oct 21 21:38:32 2010
Easter Traditions 2010 (Christian Festival)
10 May 2010 Easter Monday will fall on the following dates between now and 2012: 5 April 2010 , 25 April 2011, 9 April 2012.