easter half term dates 2010


Half Term Dates - UK School Holidays
20 Jan 2011 Term Starts (Teacher Training Day 1) Wednesday 1 September 2010 ; Term Starts ( Pupils) Thursday 2 September 2010 ; Half Term Holiday 25
Calendar for the school years 2010 /11 and 2011/12 - Term dates for
school term and holiday dates 2010 to 2011 (application/pdf; 253kB) shows: Spring half term holiday: 21 February 2011 - 25 February 2011; Easter holiday
Term Dates
31 Jan 2011 2010 -2011 School Term Calendar (PDF format 116KB). Easter 2011: 22 - 25 April 2011. Royal Wedding: 29th April 2011
School Term Dates 2008- 2010 - MK Council - Milton Keynes Schools
The term dates for the year 2012 - 2013 are expected to be published by July Autumn Term 2010 . Wednesday 01 September to Friday 22 October. Half Term
School Term and Holiday Dates
Term Dates Links. Term dates . Last updated: 28 June 2010 11:56 UK Half term - 15 February to 19 February; Easter - 2 to 16 April
Wolverhampton City Council - School term dates
Details of term dates , half terms and holidays for forthcoming Autumn Term 2010 . Term time: Wednesday 1 September to Friday 22 October; Half term :
School term dates
Half - Term . End. School days. Autumn Term. Thurs 2nd Sep 2010 . Mon 25 Oct 2010 Please Note: Different term dates may apply to Voluntary Aided Schools.
School Term Dates
Christmas 2010 . Friday 17 December 2010 . Tuesday 4 January 2011. Spring half - term 2011. Friday 18 February 2011. Monday 28 February 2011. Easter 2011
UK school holidays - dates for 2011 & 2012
These are the school term and holiday dates for 2010 /2011 to 2011/2012. For Voluntary Aided and Half Term from 21 February to 25 February 2011
Term dates - Camden Council
Christmas and New Year 2010 /11, 20 December - 5 January 2011. February (spring) half term , 21 - 25 February 2011. Easter holiday, 9 April - 25 April 2011
Central Bedfordshire: School - term and holiday dates
School term dates 20082009 Mon 1 Sept 08. Monday 25 October 2010 . Half - term finish, Friday 29 October 2010 . Term one finish, Wednesday 22 December 2010
School Term Dates and Holidays - Northamptonshire County Council
Please note that the following term dates are not mandatory and some of our schools may choose to set Half term : 25 October to Friday 29 October 2010
Schools - term and holiday dates - Durham County Council
Wednesday 1 September 2010 to Friday 17 December 2010 (73 days) Half Term : 21- 25 February 2011. Good Friday: 22 April 2011. Easter Monday: 25 April
Term dates
Half Term Dates lists all the school holiday term times for England, Wales and Scotland. School and University term dates for the UK in 2011, 2012,
School Term Dates - Birmingham City Council
11 Jan 2011 Cambridgeshire Schools Term Dates . 2 September to 17 December 2010 . Half Term from 25 - 29 October 2010 Half Term from 21 - 25 February 2011. Easter Holiday: 9 April - 25 April 2011