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15 Mar 2008 Easter Bunny Jokes Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]
Holiday jokes / Easter jokes
25 Dec 2010 Tell me a easter joke ? Here is your joke: Q: How do bunnies stay healthy? A: Eggerci... What is an Easter blonde joke? Blonde: ".
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Jokes . Carrot & Rabbits Paw Print. Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end. Is it true that bunnies have good
Yahoo! Canada Answers - Does anyone know any good adult Easter jokes ?
Q: Why did the Easter egg hide? A: He was a little chicken! H... Is there
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Priceless Pictures funny sayings and funny jokes plus funny sayings jokes and funny Easter , -, Funny Easter Pictures. Adult Jokes 1 · Adult Jokes 2
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Easter Joke 1 What is the Easter Bunny's favourite state capital? Albunny, New York! Easter Joke 3 Where did the Easter Bunny go to college?
Just Jokes and Humor: Easter Jokes
Q: Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee? A: It's a
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Funny Easter Jokes at the Jokes About Easter site. Tis the season for chocolate and easter eggs. Kids and adults will enjoy these.
EASTER HUMOR.COM - Jokes , Stories and Funny Pictures about Easter .
7 Apr 2007 Cheesy Easter Jokes ... most of which were told to me by my sons today, although a few came from an adult woman who should really be past
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A. Neither--the Easter Bunny! Q. Why couldn't the eggs go out on a hot summer day? Miscellaneous Jokes . Browse Archived Jokes : Classic Adult Jokes
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Easter Jokes - Ask.com
A collection of humorous one-liners, funny stories and hilarious pictures that have something to do with Easter .
Easter Jokes
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