1995 easter tuesday date


Waitangi, ANZAC, Easter , Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Public Holidays
2009- 1995 =14; Add 1: 14+1=15; Look up the 'Golden Number' in the following table (15 for 2009!). Easter is on the first Sunday after the date in the table.
Easter Dating Method - Calculate the date of Easter Sunday
Find out what the dates are for Fathers day, Mother day and all the Public holidays. Day after New Years Day: Sunday 2 January or Tuesday 4 January
EASTER TUESDAY April 17 issue (apr17.htm)
The Orthodox Christian date for Easter Sunday is often observed at a
Frequency of Occurrences of the Date of Easter 1875 to 2124
The Season of Lent
Weekday, Date , Year, Name, Holiday type, Where it is observed
Easter Dates - GM Arts - Home
17 Feb 2007 Hence, the date of Easter can fluctuate between March 22 and April 25. ..... 1995 , April 16, April 23. 1996, April 7, April 14 ..... and each day is prefaced with "Easter", e.g. Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday , etc.
I want to know the date of Easter Sunday 1995 ? - Yahoo! Answers
Easter Monday 2012. Monday, April 9, 2012. List of dates for other years This was a two day festival on the Monday and Tuesday after Easter , originating in Mon, Apr 17, 1995 , Easter Monday, Common Local holidays, ENG, NIR, WAL
Calculate Easter Date
Anzac Day - 25 April - The Anzac Day Act 1995 declares the 25th of April as
Public holidays in Ireland
23 April 1995 , 1 May 2005, 12 April 2015, 20 April 2025, 29 April 2035 .... Answers to these questions and more are on the next page: Easter Date
Anglicans Online | Resources for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter
8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 2 Jun 2008Tried to calculate this year's Easter date . .... and the bank holiday in lieu of Christmas Day occurs afterwards on the Tuesday . for example in 1995 the government changed the May bank holiday from the 1st to the
On DVD and Blu-ray February 25th, 2011 - MovieWeb.com
29 Oct 2008 April 16.
43 Can I calculate the date of Easter ?
date , is needed for his Easter method. To every year there is a distinguished day For example, in 1995 Doomsday is Tuesday . Columbus Day (10/12) is two
Easter : Definition from Answers.com
25 Feb 2011 Release Date : February 22nd, 2011. Format: Blu-ray. Studio: Sony Pictures Classics ..... 1995 -2011 MovieWebâ„¢, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dates of Easter , Rosh Hashanah, and Passover
University of Cambridge Term dates . Tue , April, ends. Fri, Jun The dates are the same for every year except for Easter term: 9 November,
Term dates - University of Cambridge
Holy Week and Easter . Shrove Tuesday Customs of Shrove Tuesday .... Some Hints for Lent, by the Right Reverend A.C.A. Hall, Bishop of Vermont, no date .