Car racing game in Excel !!! - Tech Support Forum
Know about easter eggs . Compare prices and reviews.Discussion of ms word. Eggs include that in the 2002 microsoft excel . The easter ...
Are there any Easter Eggs for Excel 2003? - ExcelBanter
Versions 5.0 to 9.0 of Excel contain various Easter eggs , although since
Car Race In Excel - Discuss Anything
15 May 2005 (actually it is an easter egg in ms web components) I have Excel 2002 ( 10.4109.3501) SP-1 with IE 6.0.2800 and it does not work.
easter egg in excel 2003 - microsoft .public. excel .misc | Microsoft
13 Feb 2004 But I was just looking for any easter egg in Excel 2002 . Unfortunately I easter egg in excel 2003, chanchai, Microsoft Excel Misc
How can I see the driving game Easter egg in Microsoft Excel 2000
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 16 Sep 2004The word on the street is that Excel 2002 does not contain an easter egg . Apparently, Microsoft has received complaints about the waste of
Wacky MS Word trick & other " Easter Eggs "
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 14 Mar 2007The answer is it depends which version of excel you are looking at. There are easter eggs in the previous version of Excel (before 2002 ),
Re: Easter egg in Excel 2002 ?
A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers (3rd . Pokemon Emerald Secrets, Glitches and Easter Eggs (GameBoy Advance)
Windows XP Easter Egg Hidden Secret Trick » My Digital Life
Some computer-era pinball ms excel 2002 easter eggs games also included Easter Free microsoft excel 2002 easter egg software for windows for use by
Easter eggs microsoft word 2002
26 Nov 2006 Notepad Showing Current Time and Date Easter Egg (Function) .... microsoft excel 2003 easter egg - excel 2002 easter egg - easter eggs
Excel Easter Eggs In the past the developers
2 posts - Last post: 21 Dec 2009Could someone tell me how to access Easter Egg in Excel 2003. Add a reference to the Microsoft Excel object library COM component. 2. .... ouverture de mes fichiers Excel (Excel 2002 s / XP) in Excel
Daily Dose of Excel » Blog Archive » Excel Easter Eggs
21 Feb 2000 MS is now integrating SP1 with the masters of retail stock so if you ..... This does not work in Excel 2002 . Has anyone found the EEgg for
Games That Can Be Played on Microsoft Excel |
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 15 Aug 2004I am trying to uncover a hidden easter egg in word. I have the data in MS Excel 2002 and I am trying to create the labels in MS Word
Fun With Excel - Games and Geek Entertainment
3 Oct 2002 Discussion Tagged: Computers Ms Word Easter Egg Easter Eggs , Replies: 26. Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2002 05:49 pm. Here's one for Excell 2000.
Game in MS word
17 Sep 2007 how to access the Easter Eggs in Excel 95, 97, 2000, and 2002 . lots of screen captures: Looking back at Microsoft Excel Easter Eggs .
easter egg in excel 2003 in Excel Miscellaneous
7 Sep 2001 How to find the "Excel 97 Flight Simulator - for Later