Easter , school holidays rack up tourists | Stuff.co. nz
State and state-integrated school terms and holidays for 2011. Easter Monday - 25 April; Day after Easter Monday - 26 April (Tuesday) 2 Provinces relate to the former Provinces of 19th Century New Zealand and are not related to
New Zealand 2011 Public Holidays Calendar - Waitangi Day, Easter
Find out about public holidays in New Zealand including religious dates, national holidays , and other celebrations to help you plan your trip to New
Kiwis rule the roost on NZ Easter weekend breaks | The Search is
Public holidays observed in New Zealand Christmas day, Boxing day, New Years day , day after New Years day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Auckland Anniversary
New Zealand Public Holidays , Easter and Good Friday Celebrations
Find Important Dates in New Zealand like national holidays , School holidays , 2 April 2010 - 18 April 2010. Easter Monday, Monday 5 April 2010
New Zealand public, holidays , school, events & daylight saving Dates
New Zealand calendar dates 2009, 2010, 2011, Bank and Public Holidays and last dates for Easter Monday is Monday 13 April Anzac Day is Saturday 25 April
Public holidays in New Zealand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
26 Nov 2008 you are here: home > holidays > NZ public holiday dates> NZ public holiday dates .... Easter , Easter dates confirmed by Catholic Church.
Ministry of Education - 2011 school terms and holidays
22 Apr, Good Friday. 25 Apr, Easter Monday. 25 Apr, Anzac Day. 6 Jun, Queen's Birthday Local holidays are not listed. There are 365 days in year 2011
New Zealand calendar 2009, 2010, 2011 and NZ public holidays
24 Apr 2010 The early timing of Easter and school holidays helped pushed up international travel to and from New Zealand in March, with a 20 per cent
What's on over Easter - Holidays - NZ Herald News
NZ School holidays for 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014. School holidays during the
Easter Holidays : Time Off From Crass Commercialism | Voxy.co. nz
25 Mar 2009 Air New Zealand expects minimal or no customer disruption as a result of threatened strike action over the Easter holidays .
Year 2011 Calendar – New Zealand
New Zealand Holiday Dates 2008. New Year, 1 - 2 January; Waitangi Day, 6 February; Good Friday, 21 March; Easter Monday, 24 March; ANZAC Day, 25 April
New Zealand Seasons and Celebrations : Celebration, Christmas
Visit www.fourcorners.co. nz - your complete online travel guide to New Zealand . Easter /Autumn School Holidays . April 16 - May 1 (2011)
Easter holiday , things to do in Auckland with kids, ViewAuckland.co. nz
New Zealand Public Holidays Calendar ,2011,2012,2013 - Public Holidays including New Year, Waitangi Day, Easter , ANZAC Day, Queen's Birthday, Labour Day,
New Zealand School Holidays & Public Holidays at KiwiWise
The Complete New Zealand Public Holidays Guide. The Celebration of Easter and Good Friday.
New Zealand Public Holidays
Motorhome Hire New Zealand - Book your Motorhome today for the Easter Holidays is off from your family to do something exciting these Easter holidays .